Map Of Asia Minor In Biblical Times – The map includes the principal cities of asia including tarsus, ephesus, and colossae, and provinces like galatia and pamphilia. Why was it a fruitful evangelistic. June 16, 2016 at 10:11 pm mark, could i please have your permission to use this map on a handout for a bible study i’m teaching on 1. The term asia minor was first used in the 4th century of the christian era to signify all the land south of the black sea and west of armenia.
Map Of Asia Minor In Biblical Times

The map includes the areas of israel, asia, greece, and italy. Asia asia, a roman province
Map Of Asia Minor In Biblical Times Maps For Ss
- The map includes the principal cities of asia.
- It is sufficiently defined upon the map.
- Map of asia in roman times illyricum moesia cyprus black sea achaia t h r a c e galatia macedonia epirus ionian sea mysia lydia caria aegean sea bithynia paphlagonia pontus cappadocia phrygia lycaonia pisidia lycia pamphylia cilicia syria mediterranean sea crete bible history online.
- Turkey, the second holy land.
- The term asia minor was first used in the 4th century of the christian era to signify all the land south of the black sea and west of armenia.